Welcome to SICSY's Official Website!


Welcome to the official website of SICSY. Above this you should see some updates (a lot of this is for the developers and not for the users. So if you do not understand any or all of it, don't worry, you're not insane. We are). Below this, you should see some links, and then some general questions getting answered.

If you would like to help us out, please contact Leonid Grinberg at lgrinberg@gmail.com or Peter Baratta at peter.baratta@gmail.com. We are always looking for vulunteers in testing, and perhaps development.

Links that may or may not interest you

So, what on earth is SICSY?

SICSY, the SImple Communication SYstem is a framework and protocol, which allows multiple clients to communicate with each other through a server. That's it.

OOookkaayy..., so why would I use this and not something else?

SICSY is not a program, it is a development framework. It is extremely generic, and can structure almost any scenario, in which multiple clients (means "users") communicate with each other via the Internet. This can be in almost any shape or form, from chatting to games. Pretty sicsy, huh?

Wow! This is really great! How on earth did you make this?

The information sent between client and server is plain text, encoded with XML. The server recieves the text, and based on the server that sent it, parses it, and returns the XML. The client then decides what to do with it. Thus, the XML can describe anything, from a chat message to a move in chess.

OK, I think that I am finally getting the hang of this... So, what's SWAPCS

SWAPCS is the client code we use to test SICSY out. Standing for Simple Web-based Ajax and Perl Communications System, it is a chat client based off of SICSY. We use it to develop SICSY, and then generalize it into the library/framework that it is... er... should be.

Copyright (C) 2006 The SICSY Project: Leonid Grinberg and Peter Baratta
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this page, in whole or in part, is permitted provided this notice is preserved with every copy and redistribution